What is the Universal White Brotherhood?
The name Universal White Brotherhood primarily refers to the community of saints, initiates and masters who work to realise the ideal of a united world. In a physical sense, it refers to the disciples of Master Peter Deunov and also to those of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov who meet together as spiritual communities in brotherhood centres throughout the world. Centres formed by disciples of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov have now spread from Europe to North and South America, Asia, Africa and Australasia.
It’s easy for a few people to unite, to have good relationships and understand one another. For humans generally tend to group together according to their affinities. But when it’s a question of all the countries and all the nations on earth having to live together, what problems there are!
For centuries, millennia, they have risen up against each other with their own visions of the world and their different religions, with their different political and economic systems and their different traditions.
How can they be brought into harmony? That requires a prodigious science. The aim of our teaching is not to unite a few people but to unite all people. When you come here, that is what you should be thinking about, what you should be working towards: What can you can do to spread this philosophy of universality?
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Benefits of communal meetings
We find that participating in communal gatherings to sing, meditate and work together helps to create the ideal conditions required for self-development, our wider goal being to foster community living based upon the ideals of universal love and wisdom.
The Master advised that, rising above any personal likes or dislikes dictated by temperament or background, we should treat all comers as brothers and sisters – with true love and respect. This is the rewarding challenge – to transform our lower nature – and the Teaching gives us the methods. Being an internationally based organisation, we meet a diversity of people who share similar aspirations for personal transformation and universal brotherhood. This can be an enriching experience.
Pan – Earth: the entire earth united as one family
We have seen plans formulated for a Pan – Europe, a Pan-Asia, a Pan America or a Pan-Africa, with the purpose of establishing peace in the world. This represents great progress, of course, but it doesn’t resolve anything.. Instead of country attacking country, this could mean continent attacking continent: Asia against Europe, for example.
Would this be better? Only ‘Pan-Earth’ can solve all problems…Pan-Earth, the entire world united in one single family. Yes, the only solution to the problems of humanity is universal brotherhood. May all people reach out to one another and unite. One day, from every direction, we will hear people send up a cry for this fraternity to be realised at last, and this will be the most beautiful day in the history of humankind.
Related article: Universal Brotherhood and the Age of Aquarius
Related Daily Meditation – Work for the whole world