
The living book of nature

‘The living book of nature is open wide before us; in it we can read the wonders that eternal wisdom has inscribed on every stone, every flower, every star and every human being… To follow an initiatic teaching involves developing the awareness that all things in nature are alive.’ Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov Nature is animated [...]

The living book of nature2020-03-10T14:24:45+00:00

Flowers in God’s Garden – Banish the Blues

In this short extract from the teachings of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, the Master explains how we can overcome the feelings of heaviness we may sometimes experience in our journey through life. We can learn to banish the blues by rediscovering the sense of life's beauty, poetry and wonder: Flowers in God's garden There are [...]

Flowers in God’s Garden – Banish the Blues2018-02-07T18:26:43+00:00
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